CH. CuChulains Lugh Ildanoch


Well, what can you say about the sweetest boy in the world.  Rick and I had decided we were ready for another dog, so we went to the dog show in Canfield OH to spend some time with Deborah who had driven up from Atlanta for the shows.  I asked when she was having puppies because we wanted one, the only problem was Rick and I couldn't decide on a boy or a girl.  I wanted a girl and Rick wanted a boy.  Deborah said she would let us "borrow" Lugh for a while to see what it is like living with an IWS boy.  Well, I knew from the day we brought him home I really didn't want him to leave.  He is the sweetest boy ever!  He taught me that showing dogs can be fun, he LOVES to show.  We have also done some obedience stuff, he has one leg towards his CD.    Lugh did go back to Georgia in September of '08 but just for a visit, and it was worth it.  Because of his "visit"  we now have a new additon, Cale.  You can read all about her on her page.  We will continue to show Lugh every now and then just because he loves it so much. 

 Group 3 St. Clairsville Ohio KC August 2008 Judge Robert Stein.

 Painting by Dayne Thomas

 First leg on CD Title 2008 National Specialty


 Chloe & Lugh saying "Happy St.. Patricks day"

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